
Past Event

EPIC Annual Meeting and New Member Luncheon

September 19, 2023
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Faculty House, 64 Morningside Dr., New York, NY 10027 Garden Room 2

Embrace the camaraderie at EPIC’s Annual Meeting and New Member Luncheon. Join us in a warm meet and greet as we extend a welcome to our latest retirees and members. Engage in the process of electing Officers and Steering Committee members who will drive our future initiatives. Together, let’s step up to the plate, contributing to the rich legacy of EPIC. As we connect, celebrate, and plan, we forge stronger bonds within our community of distinguished scholars. Don’t miss this opportunity to shape our path forward.

Regoster to attend via Zoom


Contact Information

Emeritus Professors in Columbia (EPIC)
(212) 854-8083