Douglas Chalmers Graduate Scholars Lectureship
EPIC Graduate Scholars are awarded a $1,500 honorarium and are chosen by Emeritus Professors in Columbia based on the scope of their research, their effective communication skills, and their ability to engage a general academic audience.
The Douglas Chalmers Graduate Scholars Lectureship is designed to elevate scholarship and promote a vibrant exchange of ideas by showcasing the breadth and depth of groundbreaking research being undertaken by Columbia emerging scholars across disciplines, as well as offering opportunities for cross-disciplinary networking and mentorship by retired faculty.
EPIC’s Graduate Scholars Lectureship provides doctoral candidates preparing to defend their dissertations, post-docs, medical doctors, and legal scholars with an opportunity to make a presentation on their research to a cross-disciplinary audience of educators and scholars ready to listen carefully and ask probing questions. These presentations, which run 45 minutes with time for questions, offer doctoral students and post-docs a useful learning experience and allow EPIC members to learn about topics beyond their scholarly interests.
Applicant requirements:
Emeritus Professors in Columbia names two lectureships a year to scholars working in any discipline where Ph.D., M.D., J.S.D., or other doctoral degrees are offered at Columbia University. The lectureship brings a $1,500 honorarium and the opportunity to present to the members of Emeritus Professors in Columbia. The EPIC fellowship requires candidates
- to be within one year of defending their dissertation; post-docs within three years of obtaining their doctoral degree; medical doctors within one year of completing their residency; and legal scholars within one year of completing their Juris Doctor degree
- to propose a compelling topic for a talk to a non-specialist audience of retired Columbia faculty
- have, through an interview or submission of a sample, shown outstanding presentation skills
A complete submission to the Douglas Chalmers Graduate Scholars Fellowship will include the following materials:
- Bio: Tell us about yourself and provide a short statement on your area of interest. You may include a five-minute video introducing yourself and the topic you would like to present.
- Statement of Intent: Explain the topic you would like to present to Emeritus Professors in Columbia. Indicate why your research topic is important to you and how your past work might influence or inform what you want to accomplish next.
- Statement of Support from a faculty advisor or program director who agrees to introduce you at the lectureship.
- Résumé/CV.
- Two samples of previously completed work.
Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis. Applicants may apply on their own or be nominated by their departments.
Please send submissions to the Douglas Chalmers Graduate Scholars Fellowship by email or post to:
Dr. Daniel Thys
[email protected]
Emeritus Professors in Columbia (EPIC)
Philosophy Hall, Room 202A
1150 Amsterdam Avenue, Mail Code 9215
New York, NY 10027
EPIC invites applicants from the
- Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation
- Graduate School of Arts and Science
- Columbia Business School
- Columbia Journalism School
- Columbia Law School
- College of Dental Medicine
- Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
- School of International and Public Affairs
- Jewish Theological Seminary
- School of Nursing
- Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons
- Mailman School of Public Health
- School of Social Work
- Teachers College
- Union Theological Seminary
The Douglas Chalmers Graduate Scholars Lectureship is funded by the members of Emeritus Professors in Columbia (EPIC).