About EPIC

Emeritus Professors in Columbia (EPIC) constitutes a professional and social fellowship of retired professors, researchers, and administrators who share the common experience of extensive careers in education and wish to pursue intellectual interests or render further service to the University community.

Officers and Staff

President: Frank Wolf, Dean Emeritus of the School of Professional Studies
Email: [email protected]

Vice President: Linda D. Lewis, Clinical Professor Emerita of Neurology; Special Lecturer, Department of Neurology

Secretary: Lalla R. Grimes, Administrator, Retired, Department of Physics
Email: [email protected]

Assistant Director of Emeritus Professors in Columbia: Abdalla Hassan
Email: [email protected]

Steering Committee

Michael E. Feiler, Associate General Counsel (Retired), Office of the General Counsel

Carolyn Greenberg, Professor Emerita of Clinical Anesthesiology

Allen I. Hyman, Professor Emeritus of Anesthesiology 

Carol B. Liebman, Clinical Professor Emerita of Law; Director of Clinical Education; Special Lecturer

Peter Alan Messeri, Professor Emeritus of Sociomedical Sciences at the Columbia University Medical Center; Special Research Scientist in the Department of Sociomedical Sciences

Constance Nathanson, Special Research Scientist of Social Sciences, Department of Sociomedical Sciences

Eli Noam, Paul Garrett Professor Emeritus of Public Policy and Business Responsibility

Virginia E. Papaioannou, Professor Emerita of Genetics and Development; Special Lecturer in Genetics and Development

Robert E. Pollack, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences

Don Sexton, Professor Emeritus of Business; Special Lecturer in Business and Professor Emeritus of Business

Jeanne Mager Stellman, Professor Emerita of Clinical Health Policy and Management

Peter StraussBetts Professor Emeritus of Law; Special Lecturer in Law 

Daniel Thys, Professor Emeritus of Clinical Anesthesiology 

Emeriti Steering Committee

Volker Berghahn, Seth Low Professor Emeritus of History; Special Lecturer in History 

Frances Pritchett, Professor Emerita of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies 

Michael Rosenthal, Professor Emeritus of English and Comparative Literature 

Elliott Sclar, Professor Emeritus of Archit, Planning and Presv; Special Res Scholar in the Center for Sustainable Urban Development in the Earth Institute; Special Lecturer in Architecture, Planning and Preservation