Andreas Huyssen, Villard Professor Emeritus of German and Comparative Literature will engage in conversation with Marianne Hirsch, William Peterfield Trent Professor of English and Comparative Literature. Huyssen, whose work has been widely published in German and English and translated into many languages, is the founding director of the Center for Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University. He is a former chair of the Department of Germanic Languages and the 2005 winner of the coveted Mark Van Doren teaching award. A conversation between Huyssen and Hirsch, acclaimed experts in the politics of memory and memory study, is certain to be an engaging event.
The EPIC Conversations present distinguished colleagues from the larger EPIC community in conversation with interlocutors who are well acquainted with them and their work. The conversational format is designed for taking a long view, so that interviewees are encouraged to reflect on the whole trajectory of their academic career -- and of other aspects of their life and work as well. The EPIC Conversations occur each semester, and have been among the high points of EPIC's activities.