
Past Event


June 17, 2021
10:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Yoga for EPIC members is led by Virginia Papaioannou, Professor Emerita of Genetics and Development, and a registered teacher with the Yoga Alliance Registry. There are 2 classes offered for mixed-level class, geared for beginners to intermediate yogis. Wear clothing that is comfortable for moving, either loose or stretchy. 

The 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. class practices breathing techniques and moves through some basic yoga poses, concentrating on alignment, balance, and flexibility. Those with experience move more deeply into the poses. Please have a yoga mat available for this session. Some sessions use blocks, a strap and a yoga blanket.

From 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. we practice gentle/chair yoga, which is ideal for those of more limited mobility or flexibility. Classes include breathing, stretching, and yoga poses, done either seated in a chair or standing. No yoga mats are required for this class.

EPIC Yoga takes place online via Zoom. To join EPIC Yoga, email us at [email protected].

Contact Information

Diana Dumitru