"How Did Human Musicality Come to Be Thought of as Universal?".
Joshua Navon,
Department of Music, Columbia University.
In this talk, Joshua Navon explores how musicality came to be thought of as a universal capacity of human beings. Focusing on the history of music education and the psychological sciences in turn-of-the-twentieth-century Germany, he will discuss the various institutional and intellectual currents that led to the idea that all individuals are, at least potentially, "musical."
First Thursday Graduate Scholar Talks take place the first Thursday of each month during the academic year. The talks provide young scholars an opportunity to make a generalist presentation on their research to a cross-disciplinary audience ready to listen carefully and ask good questions. EPIC members help give the Ph.D. students a useful learning experience and at the same time learn about something that may be well beyond their own scholarly interests. Complimentary lunch provided. RSVP required.