“Mind the developmental gap: Identifying adverse drug effects across childhood to evaluate biological mechanisms from growth and development”
Speaker: Nicholas Giangreco, PhD, Cellular, Molecular and Biophysical Studies
The clinical trial and drug safety paradigms are limited in rarely including children and extrapolating from adults. Novel informatics methods inspired by pediatric developmental biology have the potential to reveal plausible biological mechanisms for pediatric drug effects. Giangreco will briefly go over the current drug safety landscape and pediatric developmental biology followed by presenting systems biology approaches that improve pediatric drug safety.
Graduate Scholar Talks provide Ph.D. candidates preparing to defend their dissertations an opportunity to make a generalist presentation on their research to a cross-disciplinary audience ready to listen carefully and ask good questions. EPIC members help give the Ph.D. students a useful learning experience and at the same time learn about something that may be well beyond their own scholarly interests.