"Bitcoin, Blockchains and the Nature of Money": David Beim, Professor Emeritus, Finance and Economics, Columbia Business School.
What exactly are Bitcoins? Are they some kind of scam? What do they accomplish that ordinary financial transactions don't? What is a Blockchain and how does it work? Professor Emeritus David Beim takes some time to demystify this mystifying subject and also take some time to reflect on the nature of money. With the U.S. dollar such a universally used currency, why would we need another? Is Bitcoin in fact a kind of money? Or is it more like a speculative instrument? Is it really safe or in fact very risky?
Tuesday Talks are scheduled in Faculty House on the Morningside campus on alternate Tuesdays during the academic year. EPIC members, faculty, and invited guests speak on topics that range across the academic spectrum and also address issues of particular importance to the retired academic community. Participants can continue their discussion at lunch in the Faculty House Dining Room at a special reduced rate for EPIC members. Guests are welcome.