Sleep and Aging: What We Know and What We Can Change
Speaker: Lynn Tepper, Clinical Professor of Behavioral Science, College of Dental Medicine and the School of Public Health, and Director of the Behavioral Science Department at CDM
Professor Lynn Tepper, a behavioral scientist with joint Columbia appointments in Dentistry and Public Health, and extensive experience in gerontology, will explore issues related to sleep, including practical discussion of: How much sleep is really needed? Why does one have difficulties in falling asleep and staying asleep? How important is a good night's sleep and how much sleep is really needed? Dr. Tepper is the author of three textbooks, numerous articles, is a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America and was a delegate to the last White House Conference on Aging.
EPIC members, faculty, and invited guests speak on topics that range across the academic spectrum and also address issues of particular importance to the retired academic community.